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q40.de - Download
Programs Fast BASIC Floating Point operations with FPUFNs (by Simon N Goodwin) Patch for SMSQ/E2.98 (provided by R. Zidlicky) Cache Management for SMSQ/E (by Mark Swift) MOVEP emulation for SMSQ/E on Q60 (by Mark Swift) QL3D1.zip 3D-Software, 3D modeller and viewer by M. Swift, 3D models can be zoomed and rotated, check the program menu for details. There are a number of predefined 3D models that you can investigate (Bungalow, Channel4, Church, Dodecahedron, Facade, Head, Jomark, Jowing, Liquor, Sphere, Vector7). Images can be saved to disk as .AI (Adobe Illustrator) or .SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics). The latter can be viewed in Netscape, if you have installed the SVG plug-in (download from www.adobe.com). SVG is similar to FLASH but is an open standard. colpick.zip (28574 Bytes) Color Picker (needs SMSQ/E) Jerome Grimbert's high color sprite editor "sprted", libxmenu, pic2bmp and others Read QLWA file systems of CD with W. Lenerz's QXLWIN v1.07 libqx0.zip (75897 Bytes) C Library for Q40 and Q60, contains color picker (needs SMSQ/E) puzzle004.zip (20245 Bytes) Puzzle program for Pointer Environment SOX (180134 Bytes) sound conversion program, ported by Jonathan Hudson. Here's a sample command line that converts a wav-file to an ub-file, that can be played with qsplayer: qsp008a.zip (219077 Bytes) Sound Player for SMSQ/E and QDOS classic, supports 10 KHz and 20 KHz samples(For Pointer Environment, needs at least QDOS classic 'o') POV v3.1g Persistence Of Vision ray-tracer, supports Q40 high color modes, ported by Thierry Godefroy qsbb.zip (636 Bytes) Benchmark program QSBB_BAS for probing SBasic speed qxl_fschk (Linux program to check SMSQ/E Hard disk file systems, alpha status, by Jonathan Hudson) | ||||